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Williamsburg to Gettysburg: June 2006

Yorktown Moore house at Yorktown Chesapeake from Yorktown
Moore house at Yorktown
Chesapeake from Yorktown
Articles of capitulation Victory monument at Yorktown Lisa at Yorktown
Articles of capitulation
Victory monument at Yorktown
Lisa at Yorktown
Steve with oxen Steve in Williamsburg Lisa at National Arboretum
Steve with oxen
Steve in Williamsburg
Lisa at National Arboretum
Steve at National Arboretum Columns Azalea bonsai
Steve at National Arboretum
Azalea bonsai
Chamaecyparis obtusa bonsai Italian Water Garden at Longwood Waterfall steps
Chamaecyparis obtusa bonsai
Italian Water Garden at Longwood
Waterfall steps
Fountains Conservatory Inside the Conservatory
Inside the Conservatory
North Carolina Monument Steve with Cannon Steve up the Pennsylvania Monument
North Carolina Monument
Steve with Cannon
Steve up the Pennsylvania Monument

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